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About Me


Beth Reinert has experience with Alzheimer’s Disease both professionally and personally.   She worked as the  Recreation Director on a Special Care Unit for Alzheimer’s patients  for two years.  Having a Bachelor of Science and Masters of Education from the University of South Alabama that specializes in Therapeutic Recreation prepared her for inventing activities that encourage connection and enjoyment. From the hands on experience with both her maternal and fraternal grandmothers, who died with the disease, and now as the primary caregiver for her mother who is well advanced in the disease, she has discovered the knack for care.  Beth is an avid writer and advocate for the elderly, targeting  those living with dementia.  She is especially passionate for the plight of the caregiver who is navigating that journey with their loved one.

She is a contributing author to the newly 2019 released book, Dementia-Friendly Worship - A Multifaith Handbook for Chaplains, Clergy, and Faith Communities.